Ausland's OH&S Policy
AUSLAND LANDSCAPING recognises its responsibilities for providing a safe and healthy workplace, and is committed to ensuring that the health and safety of all employees in the workplace is protected.
AUSLAND LANDSCAPING also recognises the Australian Standards General Conditions of Contract (AS2124-1992) clause #15, Protection People and Property.
The primary focus of all activities within AUSLAND LANDSCAPING will be the provision of work excellence in its customer service whilst equally maintaining a position of excellence in the management of occupational health and safety for all employees.
The goal for AUSLAND LANDSCAPING in occupational health and safety is the proactive prevention of work-related injuries and illnesses, and the development and promotion of safe systems of work.
AUSLAND LANDSCAPING acknowledges that the active cooperation of all employees is required for ensuring a safe and healthy working environment. Consequently, the management of AUSLAND LANDSCAPING is committed to a consultative approach to occupational health and safety cooperation on health and safety issues and will assist in implementing measures designed to ensure the health and safety of all employees.
To achieve and maintain a standard of excellence in the management of occupational health and safety:
Management will, where required and when practicable:
- Ensure safe and healthy working conditions.
- Provide and maintain suitable equipment.
- Establish safe and healthy work practices.
- Ensure all employees are properly instructed and supervised.
Employees will:
- Observe health and safety practices and procedures.
- Maintain safe conduct in the performance of their work.
- Wear protective clothing and equipment as required.
- Report any health and safety problems
The commitment of AUSLAND LANDSCAPING to the occupational health and safety of its employees is as important as its commitment to other business objectives. This policy will be regularly reviewed in the context of legislative and company changes.