The Push Up Challenge

With just over 2.2 million (roughly 9%) of Australians reporting a mental health condition (including depression or anxiety) now more than ever is the time to raise awareness and remove the stigma that comes with mental health. Which is why the team at Ausland participated in the Push Up Challenge, completing 21,211 push-ups over 24 days! We raised a total of $2712 of which we donated $1637 to the Movember cause.
The Push Up Challenge was founded in 2017 and since then has seen over 300,000 participants push for better mental health and has raised over $26 million for mental health and suicide prevention in Australia.
This challenge was an easy decision for the Ausland family, as one of our very own team members had their own personal battle with mental health. In 2020 during the pandemic Tani Bleeze struggled with mental health, which was frightening and exhausting. With the love and support from everyone around her she was able to take her time and recover.
We are very proud of our Ausland team for participating in such an important cause and we hope that we can inspire other businesses to get involved and help break the stigma of mental health.
Tani Bleeze’s Story:
Why am I pushing for better mental health?
Well, in 2020 during the pandemic, I suddenly and unexpectedly found myself in a battle with my mental health. It was frightening and exhausting. I was so lucky to have the support of everyone around me.
Iain, Nick and my Ausland family picked up the slack for me at work, supported my family and kept my seat warm for me while I slowly recovered. I couldn't have done it without all that support, so I really feel for those that don't have the same.
I want to raise awareness and remove the stigma that comes with mental health, especially in the workplace.
It's real, we can't ignore it any longer. The stats prove how serious it is. I'm so proud of my team with each push up they do, it feels like we're getting a little bit closer to normalizing the subject of mental health.
Tani - Ausland Landscaping